Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhey (Heart Slipped and Missed)

Note: My blogs mostly talk from an Indian culture context, unless otherwise specified.

     There are many genres of the movies...of them, i like comedy...a good time pass, light on heart, but heavy on face muscles. I do like action minus violence...a good time pass. I do like movies like Ankuram, Gayam etc. which are close to real society. However, there is one genre which I love....romantic movies! Of course...heavy on heart, but always touch it. Being a living being, we deserve it. There are a few such movies which touched my heart...reason could be the story, the chemistry, the pretty eyed heroin....errr...sorry...I mean heroines, or comparing my self with the characters or the situations which I always wanted or was involved.. The movies list goes like the famous DDLJ, where the story and the eyes of Kajol stole my heart for a life time. I always felt Aishwarya Rai has the prettiest eyes, till the time I saw Kajol. (Though not in the context, I would like to tell that there is one difference between their eyes...I see only bliss in the eyes of the former, where as I see both agony and bliss in those of the latter). Anyways, coming back to the list - Godavari, Nuvve-Nuvve,........................are some of the few romantic movies which touched my heart. Last week, I saw one more movie - Gunde Jaari Gallanthayyindhey....yet another one which pinged my heart and took me back a few years. Did I love anyone as shown in the movie...someone whom I never met, but talked on phone and yet fell in love? Well, that is not necessary to know now. Whatever be the reason, this movie falls into the list of my favorites. Well, it is easy to show the chemistry when two lovers meet each other personally. However, what if they are connected by just a mobile signal? Hmm...not so easy. This movie showed it to a commercial 

     In reality, is it possible for one to fall in love without seeing the other? Falling in love by just talking on phone, and getting to know the tastes of the heart? Is it possible to love to the extent of sharing one's life with the other? And, moreover, it should be the feeling and decision of not just one, but two souls. Is it at all possible? If I were to answer, then it is a big YES.

     Ok, good, said that. Yes that people love each other just on phone, without seeing each other. Yes that people even go the extent of wishing to share life with each other, and another Yes that both the lovers have the same feeling. Now, the Big Question is, will they really end up being life partners? What does it take to change the feeling "wishing to become life partners" to "becoming life partners"? Read on to know more.

     So far, I have been using words Love, Taste, Heart etc. All these are useful during the phase of Love. And as you all know, Love if blind. Even if the other person sits in front of the eyes, one can't see as the lover is blinded by love. So, not a big deal that one falls in love with a person whom one never saw. To bridge the gap between the Love phase and the next phase, that is, Life Partnership, there is a magic word. That nexus word is - Trust. Yes. Don't ask me - is it possible to fall in love without trust? Because, I don't have answers. All I have are questions. Do lovers have trust that they would get married? Do the lovers have trust that their parents agree to their love? Do the lovers think of these in the beginning, and then start loving each other? No. Lovers never think this part in the beginning. So, the question of trust does not come into picture in the Love phase. The word Trust comes into picture only when Love thinks of maturing to Marriage.

     The Trust plays a major role especially in our current context...lovers who never met or saw each other. The normal question that tickles the love minds is 'can the other person is really the one whom I think'? Can the other person really take care of me? And finally, Who is this other person really is? This kind of apprehension is a little more in the case of Girls. How to overcome this is another issue. What we need to observe here is, it is this Trust which won't be so strong usually. This results in many stories end at Love phase, and never mature further. No offence. Just stating the point.
     Well, to summarize, the take away of this blog is - It is not as easy to Trust one as to Love one.